Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday Loping

Seeing as the day was clear if not overly sunny, i figured i'd take Nicki up to the Nooksack for a Swim n' Fetch, while the weather held out.  From the parking lot to Sandy Shores, it's about a half mile amble along a river's edge forest of assorted trees and blackberry bushes.  At the end of the half mile, we turn into the brush and emerge 50 yards later at the river where Nicki gets to do what retrievers do.

Alas, today was also the day for one of those Group Jogathons where everyone who is out of shape decides that he or she just has to pant and shuffle from -- in this case -- "Muds to Suds" which i assume means from some mucky cow field to the Bay.  

Needless to say meeting this horde of "Fun-for-All-Ages" distresses Nicki, but with a little guidance and coo'ing, he managed well enough which i hope was at least good therapy.  By the time we reached Sandy Shores, the hordes had run past except for one overweight geronto who came stumbling over the sand gasping "which way? which way?" as if the yellow tape and arrows weren't indication enough.

Given my own far less than sterling performance on spongy track yesterday, i will adhere to the motto that humility is the better part of valour.

There were some boys on the beachlet, who confused Nicki by throwing sticks into the water for him.  "Stick + Stranger = Pain"  "Stick + Water = Fun Splash Fun"  Unfortunately the happier thought didn't quite win out unless and until i was the one tossing the stick.

But Nicki got his swims, met a doggette whom he pestered and had an undistressed poke n' sniff on the way back. 

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